Friday, April 22, 2011

Do You Need More Energy? Guarana, What Are The Advantages over Traditional Caffeine?

  Guarana, Are there Advantages over Regular Caffeine?

Guarana is a berry found on a climbing evergreen vine native to the Amazon and can be found in Venezuela and Northern parts of Brazil. Guarana has many uses including increased energy mental alertness and stamina to name a few. Guarana also contains thermo bromine and therophyline two of the substances found in chocolate that have thermogenic (increased heat through metabolic stimulation) and mood elevating properties.

Guarana can be found in many forms from soft drinks to candy bars to capsules, and is widely popular in Brazil and Venezuela.

The chemical makeup of Guarana is identical to caffeine. So what are the advantages of Guarana over a cup of coffee I asked and this is what I found.

Guarana caffeine is released much more slowly providing longer and more sustained stimulation. Directly stimulating the central nervous system and increasing metabolism.

Other uses for Guarana include:

§  Detoxifying the blood

§  Reducing Intestinal gas

§  Obesity

§  Dyspepsia (upset stomach or indigestion)

§  Fatigue

§  Arteriosclerosis (hardening (and loss of elasticity) of medium or large arteries)

§  Neuralgia (pain in one or more nerves)

§  Diarrhea

§  Dysentery (inflammatory disorder of the intestine)

§  Migraine Headaches

§  Rheumatism (generalized term for conditions that cause aches and pains)

§  And Cellulite Reduction (Cellulite is the lumpy substance resembling cottage cheese that is commonly found on the thighs, stomach, and butt.)

Precautions must be taken when guarana as with any other caffeinated product. Guarana may cause insomnia, trembling, anxiety, palpitations, urinary frequency, and hyperactivity. If you are sensitive to caffeine you may be sensitive to Guarana. Guarana should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation. People with cardiac problems or high blood pressure should avoid the use of Guardia or any form of caffeine.

If you are not sensitive to caffeine Guardia can benefit you in many ways.

Is This You in the Middle of The Day?

Herbalife has several products containing Guarana for Increased Energy and Mental Alertness and Stamina. Such as:

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§  NRG Nature's Raw Guarana Tea: This zesty uplifting tea by Herbalife includes the health benefits of guarana. Prized by the Amazonian Indians, guarana seeds contain a substance similar to caffeine known as guaranine that can increase mental alertness and help sustain energy levels. Sip a hot cup of N-R-G Tea to start your day. Or try it iced mid-afternoon for a natural pick-me-up

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§  N-R-G Tablets: Herbalife has captured the qualities of guarana - the energy secret of the Amazon. This energizing seed contains a substance similar to caffeine, known as guaranine, that can increase mental alertness and help maintain energy levels over a period of hours. Carry these tablets with you and use them mid-morning or mid-afternoon whenever you need a physical and mental boost

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§  Lift Off Energy Drink: Fizz. Focus. Fuel Good!™ The official Energy Drink of the AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour.
Helps fight physical and mental fatigue, Helps you stay focused for improved concentration

Try them all for many Health benefits, Increased Energy, Mental Alertness, and Stamina

Herbalife's N-R-G Tabelets

Click Here To Order
A natural energy lift in tablet form.

Key Benefits:

  • Boosts and sustains energy levels.
  • Gentle and natural.

Herbalife has captured the qualities of guarana - the energy secret of the Amazon. This energizing seed contains a substance similar to caffeine, known as guaranine, that can increase mental alertness and help maintain energy levels over a period of hours. Carry these tablets with you and use them mid-morning or mid-afternoon whenever you need a physical and mental boost.

Fast Facts:

  • Guarana contains theobromine and theophylline, two substances also found in chocolate, which have thermogenic and mood-elevating properties.
  • Guaranine provides a natural energy lift.
  • Helps the body achieve and maintain good energy levels.

Usage: Take one tablet up to four times per day.

N-R-G Nature’s Guarana Tea

An invigorating and refreshing drink.

Key Benefits:

Click Here To Order
  • Provides a natural energy lift.
  • Delicious citrusy flavor.
  • Can be enjoyed hot or cold.
  • This zesty uplifting tea by Herbalife includes the health benefits of guarana. Prized by the Amazonian Indians, guarana seeds contain a substance similar to caffeine known as guaranine that can increase mental alertness and help sustain energy levels. Sip a hot cup of N-R-G Tea to start your day. Or try it iced mid-afternoon for a natural pick-me-up. Fast Facts:  
  • Guarana contains theobromine and theophylline, two of the substances found in chocolate that have thermogenic and mood-elevating properties.
  • Guaranine provides a natural energy lift.
  • Mixes instantly in water.
Usage: Add ½ teaspoon to 6 fl. oz. of hot or cold water. Can also be added to water in a sports bottle for an invigorating drink while exercising.

Health Benifits of Astragalus, Turmeric and Rosemary Immune System Booster, Supports Healthy Liver Function and Much More!

How Astragalus, Turmeric and Rosemary Boost Your Immune System and Support Healthy Liver Function

The liver is the largest organ in your body except for the skin. Its primary job is to filter over a liter of blood each minute. It has many other functions including:

Controlling your blood sugar

Aiding in digestion

Producing and balancing hormones

Detoxifying your body

Regulating fat storage and carbohydrate metabolism

...and much more

Your liver is vital to your well being and many times when functioning poorly is the underlying cause to many health problems. Many People have reported they regained their health simply by cleansing, flushing and rejuvenating their liver.

In today's world there are many things that cause the liver to be stressed and to function poorly. It deals with so many chemicals and toxins from the environment around us and the way we eat. Most of our foods today are loaded with chemicals, either through pesticides used to grow them or additives in processed and packaged foods. We also stress our bodies and liver function by using chemicals in our house -- cleaning supplies, deodorizers and pesticides. Also, the perfumes and cosmetics we use can be very toxic as well.

Astragalus helps promote healthy liver function. It also boosts your immune system. How it works: It “lights up” the rouge cells in your body so the immune system can identify them and attack them. MD Anderson Cancer Center concluded in research on how Astragalus affects cancer patient. The survival rate of patients on radiotherapy doubled. The research also found that it could reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, benefit liver function and increase cancer patient’s survival times.

FDA to approve role in cancer?

A considerable amount of detailed German and American research has confirmed the herb’s powers, and identified an important potential role in cancer treatment. For example:

  • Researchers from the University of Texas, Houston, have reported that cancer patients receiving Astragalus have twice the survival rate of those only receiving placebos.
  • It is often used in conjunction with other herbs. In a 1994 Italian study (Morazzoni, Bombardelli) breast cancer patients were given a combination of Iigustrum and Astragalus. Patients given this mix showed a decline in mortality from 50% to 10%.
  • In another study of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer all undergoing chemotherapy, the group taking the dual herb mix showed an average life span increase of 130%.
  • Astragalus doesn´t merely enhance interferon levels; there is strong scientific evidence that it benefits liver function (often impaired in the cancer sufferer). In China, Astragalus is widely used in the treatment of hepatitis. It seems to reduce toxin levels significantly, boost interferon levels and inhibit viral protein expression whilst having little or no effect on normal DNA. (Zhang 1995, Fan 1996)

The FDA is currently considering it for approval as an anti-cancer agent, although you shouldn´t hold your breath as they have never given approval to a herb in their history

Improves the effectiveness of Radio- and Chemotherapy

One extremely important conclusion from several US studies is that Astragalus seems to help the immune system differentiate between healthy cells and rogue cells, thereby boosting the body’s total ‘cancer fighting system’. One effect of this is the added benefit of improving the effectiveness of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments.

Astragalus has been used in Chinese Medicine for two thousand years. It is used to boost the immune system, and has benefits in cases of liver function, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and respiratory infections. It is also used as a general tonic to treat burns, abbesses, and used in treatment of hepatitis.

Turmeric has beneficial effects on the liver including stimulating bile flow and improving fat metabolism. Turmeric also has strong liver-protective properties protecting the liver from a number of toxic compounds. An active component of turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin also has a protective effect on liver tissue and is traditionally used for liver ailments as well.

Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) Rosemary has a toning and calming effect on the digestion and relieves cramps. Like many culinary herbs, rosemary helps relax muscles, including the stomach muscles of the digestive tract. Rosemary is rich in minerals, particularly calcium, and is easy to absorb. Rosemary is used in Europe as an aid to liver function and is particularly useful for ameliorating liver congestion and inflammation. Rosemary has been used since ancient times. It has a tonic effect upon the digestive systems. It relaxes the muscles of digestive tract. The stimulant action of rosemary helps promote liver function, the production of bile and proper digestion.

Combine these ingredients together and you have a powerful immune booster and supporter of Liver function.

Click Here To Order
Herbalife’s RoseGuard! Is an exclusive blend of herbs (rosemary, turmeric and astragalus) and vitamins to support healthy liver and immune function.


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An exclusive blend of herbs (rosemary, turmeric and astragalus) and vitamins to support healthy liver and immune function.*

Key Benefits:

  • Supports your body’s natural defense against environmental toxins.*

  • Provides antioxidant support throughout the day.*

  • Contains astragalus, traditionally used to support healthy liver function.*

  • Helps recycle the antioxidant activity of Vitamin E.*

    The body is exposed daily to pollution and other environmental toxins. RoseGuard supports the body’s natural defense against environmental toxins, while providing antioxidant support throughout the day.*

    Take one tablet in the morning and one in the afternoon, preferably with a meal. Combine with Schizandra Plus to further promote good health.
  • Joint Support

    Joint Support
    Click Here To Order
    Contains glucosamine for advanced joint support, along with an exclusive herb-mineral blend for antioxidant benefits.*

    Key Benefits:

    • Contains glucosamine to support healthy joint function and comfort.*
    • Contains the herb scutellaria for antioxidant and healthy aging benefits.*
    • Excellent source of manganese, selenium and copper to support the body’s natural antioxidant activities.*
    • Three easy-to-swallow tablets daily.

    Product Description
    Age and an active lifestyle can make people more prone to joint problems. Protect and cushion joints with a specially formulated blend of glucosamine, antioxidant-enhancing scutellaria root, and an advanced blend of selenium, manganese and copper to offer the body healthy aging benefits.*

    Fast Facts:
    • Manganese, selenium and copper are essential micronutrients that may help prevent cellular damage from free radicals and support the body’s natural antioxidant activities.*
    • Supports greater joint comfort, especially important to healthy aging.*
    • May help support healthy activity levels.*

    Usage: Take one tablet, three times a day. For optimal joint health, use with Herbalifeline® (which contains Omega-3 fatty acids for joint health).

    Monday, April 18, 2011

    How to Stop Premature Ejaculation

    Premature ejaculation is one of the most frustrating and embarrassing sexual problems a man can experience. PE is typically marked by a persistent failure to control one's ejaculation during sex. You sense an orgasm coming, but cannot prevent it. And for many men, this can happen even with a tiny bit of stimulation.
    While early ejaculation can happen to any guy at some point in his life, if it occurs regularly and is making sex stressful for you and your partner, it's time to take corrective action to overcome this problem.
    Good Ejaculatory Control Comes With PRACTICE
    The good news is this... among the various male sexual dysfunctions, PE is actually one of the easiest to overcome. By understanding your own sexual response and what triggers an early climax, you CAN boost your ejaculatory control through proper training. It will not happen immediately, but with some patience and practice, most men experience significant improvements in how long they can last during intercourse.
    Here are a couple more tips to get you started on the right footing:
    Get Professional Medical Opinion: If it sets your mind at ease, get a professional assessment by your regular doctor. While PE is usually not caused by a medical problem, if it is, you want to get the proper treatment and advice. There are also some medications and drugs that cause ejaculation problems (e.g. anti-depressants). So you should always consult your doctor if you are on any medication.
    Re-Train Your Ejaculatory Response: In most cases that I've come across, premature ejaculation is a "learned" behavior that stems from the way we masturbate when we were younger. Because we typically masturbate ourselves to a quick orgasm (talk about instant gratification!), our ejaculatory muscles are "trained" to cause a quick orgasm even during actual sex. The good news is, you can easily re-train those muscles, reverse the tendency for an early release, and last a LOT longer during sex.

    Read more:
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

    Herbalife Nightworks can also help increase sexual stamina! For more info on Herbalife's Nightworks click here

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Bone Health: The Hard Truth About Brittle BonesBy Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD

    Our skeleton seems so hard and durable that it’s difficult to believe that bones are really rigid organs that undergo metabolic processes, just as other organs do.
    In a process called remodeling, bone tissue is built up and broken down throughout the lifespan in response to growth, injury and other factors. Bone is built up where it is needed - and removed where it is not required - in an ongoing fashion. ........................................

    To Continue Reading This Article Click Here

    Metabolism MythsBy Susan Bowerman, MS, RD, CSSD

    We often blame ‘slow metabolism’ for our inability to keep our weight under control. But what is metabolism, exactly? And, is there anything we can do to change our metabolic rate?

    Metabolism refers to all the chemical processes that take place in the body in order to sustain life – processes that allow you to breathe, pump blood, keep your brain functioning and extract energy from your food. Your basal metabolic rate refers to the number of calories your body uses each day, at rest, just to keep all your vital organs functioning.......................................................

    To continue reading this article click here

    Protien Drink Mix (New and Improved!)

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    New and Improved Formula and Branding!
    A protein-packed drink for hunger control.

    Key Benefits:

    • Get a protein boost.
    • Support weight loss.
    • High in protein, low in carbs.
    • Available in vanilla and chocolate flavors.
    • 15 grams of heart-healthy soy protein.
    • 24 vitamins and minerals.
    • 22 servings per canister.
    • Only 5 grams of carbs per serving.

    Curb your hunger and stay energized with Herbalife® Protein Drink Mix. Add to your favorite Formula 1 shake or mix with water for nutritious protein snack. This delicious shake can be used as a between-meal snack or post-workout protein boost. Available in chocolate and vanilla flavors, this delicious drink easily mixes with water and comes in single-serving packets and multi-serving containers.

    Fast Facts:
    • Mixes in water for a delicious high protein drink with just 110 calories.
    • Protein/carb ratio helps to maintain healthy blood/sugar balance that is already within a normal range to support weight loss.
    • Available in a 22 serving canister.

    Usage: Blend or stir 2 tablespoons (28 grams) of Protein Drink Mix with 8 fl. oz. of cold water. Take mid-morning and/or mid-afternoon to satisfy hunger.

    Nutritional Lable Chocolate
    Nutritional Lable Vanillia
    Click Here to Order