Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bottled Water Vs Tap Water

Which do you prefer?

We need water to survive. Yet most of us don’t know much about the water we use/drink every day.

Those who choose tap water enjoy the convenience and cost effectiveness yet we don’t realize what a threat to our health tap water can be.  Within the past century the extensive use of chemicals in agriculture and big industry has polluted every source of water on the planet. Traces of toxic synthetic chemicals can even be found on the polar ice caps in the Arctic Ocean. According to the EPA there are over 700 chemicals in our drinking water including the “clean” sources like Mountain Springs and wells. Chlorine and Fluoride are the two prominent chemicals in our water supply and are put there on purpose. Chlorine is there to clean toxic bacteria out of our water supply and fluoride to prevent tooth decay. Doesn’t sound too bad right? But the by products from these chemicals can be related to a number of diseases and illnesses including cancer. And research shows that fluoride added to the water has no effect on tooth decay.

I was scared of tap water for years and chose to buy my water in the bottle. The label says spring water so it has to be good for us right? Not necessarily. An estimated 25% of bottled water brands are nothing more than tap water in a bottle. Not to mention the harm to our environment from all the plastic bottles and containers.
Tap water actually has more strict regulations than bottled water. In fact bottled water companies are not even required to test for cryptosporidium, the chlorine resistant protozoan that infected more than 400,000 people in Milwaukee in 1993. Also, bottled water can contain phthalate, a harmful chemical that leaches into the bottled water from its plastic container.

But drinking water is not the only threat to our health. Our skin is like a sponge and absorbs everything it comes in contact with. Anything absorbed through the skin is likely to get in the bloodstream.  So every time we take a shower, bath, or swim it’s like soaking our skin in toxic chemicals.

So what are we supposed to drink? We need water to survive.

There is an answer. Water Filters. They come in many varieties and make our water safe to drink and shower with by filtering out the harmful bacteria, parasites, chemicals that can contaminate our water supply. They have whole house filters that filter the water for your whole house. Sink filters and under the sink filters.

So what water filters are the best? Check out this comparison of the most popular water filters so you can decide which is best for you.

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