Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Stop Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is one of the most frustrating and embarrassing sexual problems a man can experience. PE is typically marked by a persistent failure to control one's ejaculation during sex. You sense an orgasm coming, but cannot prevent it. And for many men, this can happen even with a tiny bit of stimulation.
While early ejaculation can happen to any guy at some point in his life, if it occurs regularly and is making sex stressful for you and your partner, it's time to take corrective action to overcome this problem.
Good Ejaculatory Control Comes With PRACTICE
The good news is this... among the various male sexual dysfunctions, PE is actually one of the easiest to overcome. By understanding your own sexual response and what triggers an early climax, you CAN boost your ejaculatory control through proper training. It will not happen immediately, but with some patience and practice, most men experience significant improvements in how long they can last during intercourse.
Here are a couple more tips to get you started on the right footing:
Get Professional Medical Opinion: If it sets your mind at ease, get a professional assessment by your regular doctor. While PE is usually not caused by a medical problem, if it is, you want to get the proper treatment and advice. There are also some medications and drugs that cause ejaculation problems (e.g. anti-depressants). So you should always consult your doctor if you are on any medication.
Re-Train Your Ejaculatory Response: In most cases that I've come across, premature ejaculation is a "learned" behavior that stems from the way we masturbate when we were younger. Because we typically masturbate ourselves to a quick orgasm (talk about instant gratification!), our ejaculatory muscles are "trained" to cause a quick orgasm even during actual sex. The good news is, you can easily re-train those muscles, reverse the tendency for an early release, and last a LOT longer during sex.

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  1. While early ejaculation can happen to any guy at some point in his life, if it occurs regularly and is making sex stressful for you and your partner, diabetes wise

  2. Hello,

    Nice Blog having good info !
    Premature ejaculation is most common male sexual problem of all ages so we need to best medicine for stop premature ejaculation.

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