Friday, April 8, 2011

Top 10 Healthiest Foods

1. Acai (ah-sah'-ee)- Everyone's heard of this healthy berry by now, Oprah's promoted it as one of the top new "super foods" as well as many nutritionists in the health foods industry.

This small dark fruit of the Acai palm of South America, is often used in health drinks, and is available in liquid form by the bottle or in supplements as well at health foods stores.

The fact is, it's rich in antioxidants and increases your energy levels. You can get more done every day and look better doing it.

2. Beans - Protein's the name of the game here, whether it's Chickpeas, Navy, Lentils or Kidney - beans are very high in protein, they also contain little in the way of calories or fat.

If getting enough fiber is a problem for you, eating healthy portions of beans every day promotes a healthy digestive tract and reduces many cancers, and its cholesterol free!

3. Allium Foods - Another of the healthiest foods includes leeks, shallots garlic, and onions. Garlic has long been known for its cholesterol lowering capabilities. Allium vegetables also help guard the body against the risk of many ailments, including cancer.

They can prevent blood clots and lower blood pressure. Eating these power packed vegetables in their natural state, (especially garlic) can increase their health benefits, but don't forget the breath mint

4. Oats - Oatmeal has always been a popular breakfast food, and in recent years is being recognized as one of the true healthiest foods.

We've all seen the commercials for Cheerio's - true story. The whole grain oats do indeed help lower blood cholesterol.

It's a filling grain that also provides you with much needed fiber to keep your blood sugar constant and your appetite at bay.

5. Fruits - "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" - Once again, another true story. Fruits are just packed with antioxidants such as Vitamins C and A. These antioxidants fight free radical damage in the body, and help reduce the risk of many cancers.

The antioxidants in fruit also boost the body's immune system and help fight the effects of aging in the body.

Grapes and blueberries have the highest amount of these antioxidants, and choosing an array of fruits in a variety of colors for maximum health, are a real good idea …and a tasty one too!

6. Peppers - Peppers contain antioxidants as well, like beta-carotene and Vitamin C. All peppers also contain a substance known as capsaicin.

Capsaicin has anti-inflammatory properties, is a pain reliever, and can lower the risk of many cancers, as well as heart disease.
They're great in salads; salsa and stuffed peppers are a personal favorite of my family

7. Yogurt - The low-fat variety is best. Yogurt contains calcium, Vitamin B, and has 50% more protein than milk. If you don't care for milk, yogurt is a great alternative to get the calcium you need to build strong bones and pretty white teeth.

Live yogurt also contains friendly bacteria to help promote a healthy digestive system. (Seemed pretty friendly to me)

8. Salmon - Eating the healthiest foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, can help you to reduce the risk of heart disease and many other health conditions, such as atherosclerosis. (Wild salmon, not farm-raised, for optimal heart healthy eating)

While it is true that salmon is a fatty fish, it contains good fats that have been proven to improve the health of adults, as well as children.

Salmon is one of the richest, healthiest foods on the planet in regard to protein. Any bodybuilder will tell you, protein is a necessity for strength training and building muscle and it helps to deter muscle loss as we age.

-Five ounces of salmon contains 42 grams of protein.
The USDA recommends that men get 56 grams and women get 46 grams of protein every day

9. Flax seed - Like salmon, flax seed contains omega-3 fatty acids. This health food also contains omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids as well. This gives you a lot of power in the fight against high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes.

Grinding-up flax seed is a great way to add it to fruit smoothies.
You can also sprinkle it in yogurt, have it with cereal or add it to your favorite pancake recipe, to name just a few ideas, or you can always supplement of course.

10. Nuts and seeds - Nuts are high in fat but fortunately for us, those fats once again, are the good kind. Peanuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts and pistachios are all providers of good fats with a fair amount of protein to boot.

Like flax seed, crush them up and use them as a coating, instead of those higher carb breadcrumbs. Seeds and nuts also help to lower your cholesterol.

Eat them right out of the shell (no additives) for a healthy snack, or eat the shell and all if you like, as with sunflower seeds.

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