Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is Your Health In Danger?

Most people, when it comes to being overweight and obese are mostly concerned about their appearance. In our society being overweight is considered unattractive and this can play a huge roll on one’s self esteem, Can cause depression and greatly affect ones quality of life. There is discrimination against the obese in the job market. People can be unbelievably cruel and there is a stereotype associated to the obese that we are all fat lazy slobs who can’t control our appetites. The ignorance of these people amazes me.

I really hate when people say to me why don’t you just lose weight you would be so pretty. Or you have a pretty face if you would just lose weight. As if I could wave a magic wand and suddenly be thin. It’s not always so easy to lead a healthy lifestyle and lose weight but I’m trying! And millions of people are struggling right along with me. Obesity can be hereditary, so some people are at increased risk.

Genetic factors can affect appetite, the rate at which you burn energy (metabolic rate) and how the body stores fat. Examples of genetic diseases are polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism.

But even if your genes make weight gain more likely, it is not inevitable that you will be overweight.

Obesity develops from:

  • overeating
  • irregular meals
  • lack of daily physical activity.

To read more on how genetics affect obesity click here. Check out this article from the CDC on how genes can affect obesity

 The health risks associated to being overweight and or obese greatly outweigh the vanity issues.

  • High Blood pressure, hypertension - One-third of all cases of high blood pressure are associated with obesity High blood pressure is twice as common in adults who are obese than in those who are at a healthy weight.
  • High blood cholesterol - 50% more likely to have elevated blood cholesterol levels.
  • Diabetes Type 2 - non-insulin dependent accounts for nearly 90% of all cases of diabetes. Researchers estimate that 88 to 97% of type 2 diabetes cases diagnosed in overweight people are a direct result of obesity
  • Congestive heart failure - obesity increases the risk of congestive heart failure, a potentially fatal condition in which the heart muscle weakens, progressively losing the ability to pump blood.
  • Heart disease - heart attack, congestive heart failure, sudden cardiac death, angina or chest pain, and abnormal heart rhythm is increased in persons who are overweight or obese.
  • Stroke - There is a link between obesity and stroke; this is particularly the case for people whose fat is situated predominantly in the abdominal region. Overweight people are more likely to have high blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, but these associations are not the only explanations for the greater stroke rate.
  • Gallstones and gallbladder disorders.
  • Gout - the condition may develop in people with obesity incidents are remarkably higher, Gout is strongly associated with obesity.
  • Osteoarthritis - Obesity may be a major factor in the development of osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee and especially in women.
  • Some types of cancer -such as endometrial, breast, prostate, and colon
  • Complications of pregnancy.
  • Poor female reproductive health - examples would be menstrual irregularities, infertility, and irregular ovulation.
  • Bladder control problems - such as stress incontinence.
  • Psychological disorders -such as depression, eating disorders, distorted body image, and low self- esteem.

So we know what causes obesity and what a risk it is to our health. We also know how it affects out self esteem and overall well being. So what are we going to do about it?

There are many paths to follow on your way to a healthier you. You can choose one of millions of diets and forms of exercise to get on your way. The trick is to find what is right for you. In my experience the simpler the better. I don’t want to have to think about it and plan it and spend too much time on it or I know I will not stick to it. That is what makes Herbalife so great! I don’t have to put much effort into it all and disrupt my whole life to follow the simple plan. All I have to do is fix 2 delicious shakes a day to replace two of my meals, and eat one healthy balanced meal. Take my supplements 3 times a day and get about 30 min of exercise a day and that’s it. I even save money on Herbalife because I don’t have to buy near as many groceries. I know I’m getting all the nutrition I need to be healthy and I don’t have to weigh and measure everything I put into my mouth! I have lost 40 pounds so far and going strong. Another thing I love about Herbalife is that you can customize your plan to fit your individual needs. For example I have bad knees so I incorporate the joint support into my plan and it helps with stiffness and soreness. Whatever your needs may be Herbalife has a plan for you. Getting started is easy. You can contact me at 866-868-1839 and I will help you develop a personalized plan to meet your individual needs and budget. Or you can browse my online store at: https://www.herbalhealthdirect.com/kellys_health_store

I accept all major credit cards and will ship to anywhere in the world.

If you are still not sure Herbalife is for you send me an Email at KandbMarketing.Kelly@Gmail.com and I will send you some information.

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