Thursday, April 7, 2011

Top 10 Foods to Improve Your Sex Life


“Being either overweight or underweight can reduce the
Libido and impair fertility. A certain level of body fat is necessary ovulation and menstruation, and when fat drops below a certain critical point, ovulation and menstruation

 Both cease. At the other extreme, obesity can impair

ovulation in women.

A negative attitude to your weight or body shape can

dent your confidence in sex and relationships.

There are certain foods that are not only delicious but
Also contain the necessary nutrients to maintain your
Reproductive Health and Your libido. These will
 contribute to your healthy sexuality by
maintaining your system in good condition, helping
 you to Regulate Your hormonal cycles and boosting
your fertility. Besides, the fast pace of modern
 life leads to stress, Tiredness and sometimes a Lack
of sexual energy. Foods Indicated below can help
to combat this.

1)  Vitamin A
Maintains the health of the epithelial tissues which
line all the external and internal surfaces of the
body, including the Linings Of the vagina and the
uterus in women. Liver, egg, yolk, Cheese, Butter and
carrots are good sources.
2)  Vitamin B
Deficiencies of both vitamin B2 and folic acid have
been linked with Infertility, and women planning a
pregnancy Should ensure that they. Eat plenty of
foods rich in folic Acid well before conception.
Watercress is a particularly Good source of folic
acid. Lean meat, chicken, fish, wheat germ, brewer’s
yeast, beans and pulses, peanuts And bananas
provide B6. These foods are all rich in folic
Acid. Dark green leafy vegetables such as
spinach and cabbage, liver, Oranges, avocado,
 beetroot and broccoli are
 All rich in folic acid.
3)  Vitamin C
Increasing vitamin C intake may be helpful in
boosting fertility particularly for men; tests have
 shown that taking 500-1000 milligrams a day can
 increase the number And quality of sperm Produced
 and reduce abnormalities.
This vitamin may also help to prevent the condition
 known as ‘agglutination', in which the Sperm
becomes stuck together And are unable to reach
 the egg. All fruit and vegetables – particularly kiwi
 fruit, peppers, blackcurrants, strawberries and
citrus fruits – contain Abundant Quantities of
vitamin C.
4)  Vitamin E
 powerful antioxidant, vitamin E helps to protect
the ova From Damage. Sunflower, safflower oils
and some vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, margarine,
wheat germ and avocados
Contain high levels.
5)  Zinc
There is probably more than a grain of truth in
the theory that oysters are good for your sex
life, as they are the richest food source of zinc,
 and zinc is known to be one of the key nutrients
Involved in enhancing libido & the Production of
 sperm. Low levels of zinc have been linked
both with poor libido in women And with a low
sperm count In men. You can obtain zinc from
shellfish (particularly oysters), whole meal bread,
brown rice, Dark green leafy Vegetables,
 Lean red meat and Turkey.
6)  Selenium :
This mineral is vital to ensure the production
of healthy Ova & sperms. Learn meat, offal,
brown rice and porridge Oats are Good sources.
7)  Manganese :
The metabolism of the female hormone estrogen
 depends on Manganese. It follows that a deficiency
of manganese will Significantly reduce fertility
in women. Spinach, chestnuts, tea, oats, wholegrain
cereals, wheat germ, raisins, pineapple, Beans, peas
and nuts are all good sources of manganese.
8)  Essential Fatty Acids
Linoleic acid is important for sperm production.
Sunflower and Vegetables oils and nuts contain
plentiful amounts.
9)  Phytoestrogens :
Chemical of plant origin that resemble the
female hormone estrogen are abundant in Soya
bean and Soya products such As Soya drinks and
tofu. They may also help protect against
Prostate and other cancers by preventing the
 growth of tumors.
10)     Antioxidants

Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants
which may Lower The risk of cervical cancer.
They neutralize the harmful substances
Produced by the body.
Food and sexual prowess has been linked
throughout history. Prunes, ginseng, aniseed,
 onion and garlic, carrots, ginger, artichokes,
Aubergineare some of the foods that have been
Claimed to enhance Sexual pleasure.

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