Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hydration and Weightloss

Hydration and Weigh Loss
You need an adequate amount of water daily to burn calories and avoid dehydration. Dehydration slows down the fat burning process. Dehydration also reduces the supply of oxygen in your muscles which can make you tired. Water assists your muscles to contract and lubricates your joints. Therefore drinking water can help with muscle and joint soreness.
Drinking water with a meal can help you feel full faster and help you to eat less.
Drinking certain things like coffee, sodas, tea, and alcohol will cause your body to expel water. This will cause you to become dehydrated. For overall health minimize these types of drinks and drink more water. When drinking alcohol, drink plenty of water before, during, and after to prevent a hangover.
Drinking plenty of water can help your kidney functions and lessen the risk of kidney stones. It will also help you maintain regular bowel movements which can also affect your weight loss in a positive way. Not to mention constipation is painful, and uncomfortable.
How much water should you drink? As a rule “They” say to drink 8, 8ounce glasses of water a day to keep you hydrated. This is nothing more than a guideline than a scientifically backed rule. It really depends on several factors like your weight, activity level, diet, and climate.
If you don’t know if you have had enough water then drink more. You should not be running to the bathroom every 5 minutes. But, if you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. When you drink mass amounts of water your body will use what it needs and expel the rest. Avoid drinking mass amounts of water in a short time this can actually be harmful.
There is scientific evidence that drinking water and staying hydrated will help you lose weight. Water consumption increases the rate we burn calories. In a study, done by Michael Bochman MD and colleagues from Berlin’s Franz-Volhad Clinical research center, after drinking 17 ounces of water the subject’s metabolism increased by 30% for both men and women.
Water also keeps your skin looking great. Dehydration makes your skin look dry and wrinkled. You can also help lock in your skin’s moisture using a moisturizer. Herbalife has a great skincare line that will help lock in your skin’s moisture and keep you looking fresh and younger. Everyone wants that right?
Eating more fruits and vegetables, because they contain water is a great way to increase your water intake throughout the day. About 20% of our water intake comes from the foods we eat.
Another Great way to keep you hydrated, looking and feeling great is with Herbalife’s H30 fitness drink. The average person loses 3 to 6 liters of water a day. You can lose 1 to 3 liters of water per hour while you are active. It is important to rehydrate and replenish your body’s fluids. H30 provides rapid rehydration, contains powerful antioxidants to protect your body from oxidative stress, which can cause muscle soreness, fatigue, and joint discomfort. H3o also has energizing crabs for immediate and sustained energy. Is Designed to quickly replace your body’s sodium and potassium lost through sweat, and will improve your body’s water absorption. So drink H30 every day to keep your body hydrated, fueled and going strong.
In a comparison done with a leading competitor these were the findings.

Based on 1/ 8 ounce serving

Leading competitor
What makes H30 better



70% more potassium
An essential electrolyte



15% less sugars
Source of Sugars
High-fructose corn syrup
Naturally occurring source of sugar
Vitamin A
Powerful antioxidants protect against oxidative stress
Vitamin C


Vitamin E


Vital for energy metabolism and utilization
Good for muscle contraction and fluid balance

So if you want a great way to stay hydrated try Herbalife’s H30 today!
And Check out our Great skin care line for hydrated, younger looking skin.

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